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Analytical pathways

The purpose is to give you the tools to Know Yourself so you can be the Change you want to see in the World (thank you, Ghandi). I offer analytical pathways which aim at initiating you to a journey of Self-knowledge and realization through the lens of archetypal and analytical psychology, where philosophical questioning plays a fundamental role.


This soul counseling approach, innovative in its own way, stands on the shoulders of giants. C. G. Jung calls individuation the process whereby the conscious ‘I’ starts trusting the unconscious purpose behind it to lead its evolution towards the Self. J. Hillman emphasized the role of archetypes in actualizing an unconscious life design through 'soul making.' 

My role is to accompany you, i.e. the analysand, in your journey through two complementary modes of philosophical and psychoanalytical consulting:



Individual analysis

Fundamental to anyone wanting to start a journey of self-discovery, individual analysis elaborates on existential questionings based on the analysand’s life experiences.

Philosophical circles

Meant to explore philosophical issues and archetypes, as topics proposed and discussed collectively in a group setting, philosophical circles are a great complement to individual analysis.

In collaboration with the James Hillman Institute and its founder, commitment to both analytical pathways makes the analysand eligible for professional training as Analytical Philosopher, Philosophical Analyst for Individuation, Existential Consultant, Soul Counselor, Professional Confidant, Spiritual Consultant accredited by AAP – Association of Analytical Philosophers (AFA – Associazione Filosofi Analisti 'NOÛS'), and, depending on qualification, Psychoanalyst endorsed by JHAPA – Jung Hillman Archetypal Psychoanalysis Association.


Please check out the International Master School on Soul Studies and Self-Philosophy for more information on training requirements and becoming a member of AAP-JHAPA at the James Hillman Institute.


C. G. Jung, Man and its Symbols. Section by Marie Louise von Frantz, The Process of Individuation.

James Hillman, The Soul’s Code.


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